2003 / PT - Coimbra
Competition, not built
final classification: 2nd place
Client: Universidade de Coimbra
Authorship: Nuno Graça Moura & Guilherme Machado Vaz
Engineering: Afaconsult
3D images: 3Dsign
The site is a densely vegetated steep hillside with a few paths. The orthogonal grid of the campus plan doesn't fit well in the topography. The nearby constructions show contrasting scales. We envisage to solve these scale problems and to keep the most possible area free of constructions. The project is a 4 story- 'block' on columns that is laid parallel to the contour lines. Thus the space that is free of construction is maximized, most paths are kept and the trees preserved. At this building are the administration rooms, lecture rooms, bar, etc. We want a clear organization that guides the user: a simple central corridor connects the two staircases. At another smaller volume to the north are the auditoriums and library. It has an irregular shape, which is an exception to the master plan rule. A third one story-building with shops lies at the lowest level street. The south facade of the main building will be covered with a prefabricated concrete grid, that controls shade and light, while the north facade will be made of prefabricated concrete panels.
© Nuno Graça Moura